If you're anything like I was when I started playing WoW, you want to know just how to make gold in this game. I have some tips for you here that will help build up some starter cash for future ventures!
In World of Warcraft there are wow gold (www.wow77.com) many ways to make gold, but for the new player, you have limited options. Let's say you just began playing, or you have just made a character on a new realm and don't have anything to start with and no high level character you can farm with. No problem! You can make gold easily just by running around a main city. How, you ask? A completely valid and profitable way to make some starter gold is to sell items which you can purchase from Vendors around the city and listing the items on the Auction House.
Items which sell relatively well are:
You may be wondering, Why would people buy items that can purchased for much cheaper nearby? The answer is simple. You're providing the service of traveling to the NPC. When someone needs an item for an achievement, to better their gear, or level a profession, they check on the Auction House first. Some may not know the item is sold at a vendor, while others just want to save time and get it on the AH so they don't have to run over and find NPC.
There are many vendor items that sell well when flipped from a vendor to the Auction House, but this article is meant for those who want some starting gold for their adventures in Azeroth!
In World of Warcraft there are wow gold (www.wow77.com) many ways to make gold, but for the new player, you have limited options. Let's say you just began playing, or you have just made a character on a new realm and don't have anything to start with and no high level character you can farm with. No problem! You can make gold easily just by running around a main city. How, you ask? A completely valid and profitable way to make some starter gold is to sell items which you can purchase from Vendors around the city and listing the items on the Auction House.
Items which sell relatively well are:
- Vendor Pets from just about every major city. This is pretty much how I began using the Auction House and the Auctioneer/TradeSkillMaster Addons. Vendor pets can range in price from about 80 silver to 100 gold. I normally sell the cheapest 80 silver pets for about 15g. That's a very decent profit considering the cost and very affordable for starting players.
- Enchanting Vellums. These can be purchased from the Enchanting supplies vendor for 9s each. A stack of 20 for 1.8 gold. I've had a lot of luck selling Vellums for 20-25g per stack. You should try this too!
- Jewelers Settings. Bought from the Jewelcrafting Supplies vendor this item, like others, is not a widely known item. Just recently I found out a good friend of mine didn't know you could get them at an NPC, and they've been a Jewelcrafter before I was! She was buying out the settings to level her Jewelcrafting skill. This was when I began selling them for profit on the AH as well.
- Copper Rods. They're used by beginning enchanters and not all of them know that you can purchase them off a vendor very cheaply. From my experience not the best method, but gets some bites.
- Vanishing Powder/Dust of Disappearance. These items came with 4.0.1 and Cataclysm and are used for removing a currently equipped Glyph. Although Scribes can create them, it is much cheaper to purchase them from the Inscription supplies vendor. Even being cheaper, they still sell quite well on the AH.
You may be wondering, Why would people buy items that can purchased for much cheaper nearby? The answer is simple. You're providing the service of traveling to the NPC. When someone needs an item for an achievement, to better their gear, or level a profession, they check on the Auction House first. Some may not know the item is sold at a vendor, while others just want to save time and get it on the AH so they don't have to run over and find NPC.
There are many vendor items that sell well when flipped from a vendor to the Auction House, but this article is meant for those who want some starting gold for their adventures in Azeroth!
Article Source: http://collegeincommon.com/blogs.php?action=show_member_post&ownerID=4027&post_id=8825