As for most Diablo 3 fans, what they most care about is not wether they need to buy Diablo 3 gold but when and how they get the beta key. The beta test has lasted for months, and Blizzard has announced that the official release will be the early 2012. So we are looking forward to get the beta key.
Blizzard has said before, because the launch time delayed, so it will extend the test time and gradually increase the number of tester. With this Patch 5 upgrading, many players want to usher in a peak of sending beta key, but today according to the blue post it seems not optimistic. Blizzard continues to observe the stability of the server and the game.
Players who hope in the new patch can get the beta account please be calm. We are still monitoring the stability of the patch, as long as stability of the patch is better, we will send some of the test number according to our needs.
New patche and sending beta test have no direct relation. This patch is an important initial results and also the testing activities and a milestone for the game. But we will send more the test keyss when we feel that we need more testers.
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