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world of warcraft


How to Spec Your Warrior For PVP in WoW

Warriors generally choose to either spec for PVP , Raid-DPS, or Raid-Tanking. In this article you will learn exactly how you should spec if you have chosen PVP. The most common spec for PVP is a standard Mortal Strike build (33/25/3) and all other variations stem from this basic outline. In the next section I will outline what this basic outline consists of.
The most critical step to any PVP build is to get the Mortal Strike talent. This requires at least 30 points (+1 for mortal strike itself) in the Arms tree. The next step is to get the Sweeping Strikes talent. This requires at least 20 points (+1 for itself) in the Fury Tree. Now once these 2 crucial components are chosen we are left with 9 points to play around with. These 9 points and the pathway to these 2 major talents are what really differentiates one PVP spec from another. Next I will talk about which talents to pick along the way up to the main talent Mortal Strike:
In the Arms tree we need to pick 30 points (wow gold) to arrive at Mortal Strike. This tree has somewhat less variation than the Fury tree and most warriors generally choose the same thing. The most common spec choices I will simple list and specify how many points. When a notable decision occurs I will go into more detail:
Deflection (5/5)
Iron Will (5/5)
Improved Overpower (2/2)
Anger Management (1/1)
Deep Wounds (3/3)
Impale (2/2)
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (2/5)
at this point the warrior chooses one of 3 Weapon Specializations and takes (5/5) in this talent.
one talent is for Swords, one for Axes and Polearms, and one for Maces.
I personally recommend choosing Maces for 2v2 and most 3v3 Arena.
I recommend Swords for all 5v5 and for 3v3s that require high burst DPS and less crowd control.
Death Wish (1/1)
Improved Intercept (2/2)
Now again we reach a place where some warriors may not agree on.
The choices you have for the last 2 points before Mortal Strike are either more points in Two-Handed Weapon Specialization or Improved Hamstring.
I have found on countless occasions that Improved Hamstring has saved me and won me many Arena matches and I strongly recommend choosing 3/3 in this talent.
Mortal Strike (1/1)
Second Wind (2/2)
At this point we have reached the required amount of points in the Arms tree (31) and we also chose 2 more in Second Wind. This is non-negotiable as this talent is extremely useful.
Next I will move on to the Fury Tree and discuss the talents up to Sweeping Strikes.
Right after the first 5 talents in the Fury Tree we begin to see some differences:
Cruelty (5/5)
Here we have to ask ourselves what we care about the most in PVP. If we have a healer and would like them to receive a lot less melee damage then we could pick Improved Demoralizing Shout (5/5). If we decide that getting Rogues and Druids out of stealth is our most critical need then Booming Voice (5/5) would be a good choice. Even Unbridled Wrath (5/5) has its merits, sometimes you are 1 rage short of a move that may result in a win or a loss in Arena. Once you have chosen your 10th point in the Fury tree we move on to yet another set of choices.
Piercing Howl (1/1)
Commanding Presence (1/5)
Now either we can choose Blood Craze (3/3) or bring Commanding Presence up to (4/5). I have recently decided to go for 4/5 in Commanding Presence due to the fact that Blood Craze gets reset every time you are crit and I seem to get crit a lot all at once or very rarely. Again this is something you may want to test for yourself.
Enrage (5/5)
Sweeping Strikes (1/1)
Weapon Mastery (2/2)
The Last Few - Remaining Points: 5
Now the last few points can come down to play style. I personally Hamstring everything almost nonstop and I find Improved Hamstring (3/3) helps me out tremendously. Another Very helpful talent is Tactical Mastery (3/3). Tactical Mastery lets you switch stances to Overpower, Spell Reflect, or Disarm with significantly less loss in rage. Also it allows Spell Reflect and Disarm to be used immediately after a Stance Change. This has won me countless Arena Matches and also kept me alive in BGs. Improved Execute has its benefits but usually an execute with a mere 10 rage rarely finishes off a low health target in Arena.
For a build that focuses on high damage and less control some may choose Flurry (3/5) or Blood Frenzy (2/2). These talents can be especially useful in a melee heavy arena composition, especially Blood Frenzy ( as it benefits all the other melee ). The last talent I will talk about is Improved Slam, I personally never liked it, I know some who enjoy it, but generally, and at least in the top teams, this talent is usually left alone.
I hope by reading this you have a better idea of how you should spec when you are getting ready for some PVP. Remember to spec in a way that lets you have the most fun because in the end that is what will make the most difference.

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