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Symbiosis and chasing HOTs
The primary version in the beta boosted heal over time (HOT) spells by X% subject towards target's health, with wow gold  lower-health targets deriving more advantage from the HOT. Except ... low-health targets are rightfully high priorities for immediate heals, especially from healers with more efficient means of addressing sudden damage. As Heilig noted in the time, the druid mastery simply wasn't built to "play nice with the rest in the raid," and Blizzard wound up scrapping it.

The second version, which boosted immediate heals on targets to whom a HoT was applied, seemed like an odd game at finest for your restoration playstyle. Even if you allow for your Cataclysm changes that nudged us in the path of more reliance on Nourish and Healing Touch, Symbiosis mostly boosted our least attractive spells, two of buy diablo 3 gold  which (HT and Regrowth) were too expensive to use very much outside of Clearcasting procs and one (Nourish) that have been redesigned being a upkeep heal. The third Symbiosis, that is what we're functioning with now during patch 4.1 about the reside servers, impacts all heals on targets to whom a HoT was applied. Mastery's a better stat than it used to be, but it's still in an awkward placement as something that could possibly not contribute very much to a competent player's healing.

Players wound up coining the phrase "chasing HOTs" being a means of shorthanding the behavior you have to engage in (as I write this during patch 4.1 about the reside servers) to get any advantage from the stat at all. Even though this isn't generally an issue for dedicated tank healers, raid healers -- especially in 25-mans -- often get little use from Symbiosis and thus mastery being a whole. Then there's the issue of having to diablo 3 gold heal more over a concentrate on that, by definition, is already being actively healed for Symbiosis even to kick in. The developers have gone to great lengths to get healers thinking about careful mana usage and using the best heal for each situation, and that pressure's only going to increase in 4.2 assuming the Mana Tide nerf goes live. Having to make use of additional heals to a concentrate on you're already healing just to keep mastery from being entirely wasted isn't an encouraging state of affairs.

So the various designs behind the resto mastery haven't sat well with a large portion in the druid population, and mastery in no way wound up being a hugely attractive stat being a result. That it's the finest stat for resto gamers quickly after particular haste breakpoints have been reached owes more towards standard weakness of critical strike for us than it does to mastery itself. Interestingly, patch 4.2 addresses both issues, though crit will stay our weakest stat.

PTR Patch 4.2 notes
Symbiosis (Mastery) has been eliminated and replaced with Harmony. Harmony increases immediate healing by an additional 10%, and casting immediate healing spells grants an additional 10% bonus to periodic healing for 10 seconds. Each point of mastery increases each bonus by an additional 1.25%. Healing Touch, Nourish, Swiftmend, and the wow items  initial heal from Regrowth are thought to be immediate healing spells for your purposes of this Mastery. All other healing from druid spells is thought to be periodic.

Harmony went reside in the latest PTR build, but instance servers are a bit wonky in the moment. I have yet to determine the new mastery in action in 5-mans being a result, but over a premade druid in ilevel 346 gear with 11.73 mastery.

Once you cast a immediate heal, you obtain the 10-second self buff referred to as Harmony. Curiously, even though Lifebloom "updates" dynamically if you obtain the Harmony buff even though it's ticking, Rejuvenation does not; you have to have the Harmony buff active when you cast it to determine any benefit. I'm not sure if this is actually a bug or if I created a mistake, but it seemed to be quite consistent.

Harmony's benefits and a persistent worry
Harmony's a flat increase towards immediate heals in our arsenal (Nourish, Swiftmend, Healing Touch, and Regrowth) and -- assuming you can be bothered to cast among the above heals every 10 seconds -- a increase to almost everything else, too. Not surprisingly, it matches the duration of Lifebloom so ... see where they're going with this? It's a bit more brainless than chasing HOTs, but let's be frank -- having to buy wow gold believe more about a mastery even though getting much less away from it is no great recommendation for its continued existence. Personally, I always found chasing HoTs just to get any advantage from mastery on someone other compared to tank somewhat annoying.

Any sensible person would observe that there are underlying problems with the design of all four, at least in the sense that each has the potential to be entirely wasted. But something that's starting to niggle at me over the druid's mastery is the fact that both Symbiosis and Harmony are one more point that the druid has to track over the course of an encounter. Assuming that the present edition of Harmony goes live, you'll have two 10-second buffs to monitor (Lifebloom and Harmony) in add-on to seeing for Swiftmend's cooldown, who's got Rejuvenation, who's got Wild Growth, where you can stick Efflorescence where it'll do one of the most good provided you even get a choice in the matter, and juggling the Tree of Life/Tranquility cooldowns. Then there's the minor matter of staying alive in raids and seeing for encounter cues. As very much as this is definitely an fulfilling challenge for an experienced player, something about it's starting to bother me in an age with no long-duration HoT. Maybe I can shorthand the matter by saying that setting up a useful operator interface for a raiding resto druid is actually a headache.

But as Lissanna observed, simply using Swiftmend on cooldown is enough to keep Harmony active for two-thirds of an encounter, and I hope that pushes more druids in the path of remembering to do this. Bad Swiftmend usage is among one of the most common problems that crops up in raid logs, though I'll grant that Swiftmend's being linked to Efflorescence sometimes throws a wrench into the statistics. Thank you!


