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world of warcraft


The Story about Vashj'ir in Cataclysm

Mathew: Before we begin, I have a confession to make. I finally finished Vashj'ir, from start to finish, only recently for this article. Zones that are built in this type of way, as to emphasize the 3D room of wow gold  the water, etc, are one of those things that occasionally bugs me. It's not which i didn't want to participate in Vashj'ir -- quite the contrary. I just had no reason to go right here considering that Hyjal was so straightforward and had my flying mount prepared to go from the get-go. Also, Vashj'ir was notably bottle-necked in beta, as many players streamed in and getting out of that initial sunken ship was a rough ride. Now which i had the zone to myself, it was a much much better experience.

Vashj'ir's story is engaging as hell. The slow realization that your faction has stepped in your center of something much bigger and much scarier than you ever thought was a great reveal. The way you experience story was amazing, too, with scenes from the Naga Battlemaiden's past, the corruption of the sea ancients, and the continuous retreats and pushes by wow gold  the Earthen Ring and Erunak.

The real triumph of the Vashj'ir storyline is that you begin the zone with one confined outlook and, by the end, the quite plane of consuming water by itself is in danger and you are one of the only brave adventurers who can foil the naga's plot. I sailed to Vashj'ir with the promise of capturing essential acreage for the Horde (or defending it for the Alliance), but left feeling like I was instrumental in stopping Lady Naz'jar and her insurmountable naga army that flattened the kvaldir and imprisoned Neptulon himself.

This all comes having a caveat, however. Vashj'ir feels too long. The story comes about at a decent pace, but with the travel included and the "go here, stop for just about any while, continue" quest structure slows the pace considerably. That's for the next section, however.

Alex: Vashj'ir manages to do what Hyjal didn't: it shows you that your enemy is potent and should be feared. I was pulled right into the story of Vashj'ir because things were just going wrong. My ship was sunk, the Alliance is in danger, and the naga were enslaving the gods themselves to buy wow gold  do their bidding. I was stuck in a bad situation and had to find a way out (that didn't involving hearthing back to Stormwind.)

It was quite cool seeing the naga as villains a way that was more personal than we had previously. The naga played a large role in your Burning Crusade and we knew Lady Vashj from WarCraft III, but they were largely still faceless villains in that expansion. They existed in your globe and you were sent to kill them. I'm not complaining about that, note. I liked Serpentshrine Cavern in that expansion. Cataclysm just let you swtor credits  know who you were fighting a bit much better and that was really cool. They were hunting you down, making the experience more personal, and you got to action into the ... flippers? Of the Battlemaiden and hold part in your victories that brought the naga to where they are. It produced them relatable.

There were a amount of unfortunate lulls in your story, almost consistently because of Budd Nedreck and his merry band of doofuses. I have no idea why Blizzard keeps utilizing those guys. They're the worst. Sometimes the rest of the group is tolerable, Adarrah was strangely endearing with her endless string of accidental sexual innuendo, but in general ... if you're pondering about utilizing those guys, just don't.

I'll echo what Mat said, too: Vashj'ir runs longer than it should. It overstays its welcome by about 30-40 quests. Hmm, maybe if Budd wasn't included ...

Questing beneath the seas
Alex: The zone had way too many "pick X, Y and Z things up off of the ground" quests for how visually saturated the zone is. It's all big splotches of bright colors and beautiful distractions and tiny little living details, and then it asks one to find the little sparkling item amongst it all as opposed to letting you actually appreciate your surroundings. Those quests also made a horrific bottleneck when the video game was released. One of the quite first quests in your zone was to collect objects off of wow gold  the ocean floor. All that accomplished for just about any starter zone was to cause dozens of players to become congested in one little spot desperately trying to grief one another so they could obtain the helm spawn and not somebody else.

The zone had a whole whole lot of good to balance that out, though. The Battlemaiden quest chain is something which i really feel everyone should do, it's that fun. It's one of those iconic Cataclysm quest chains for me. The Nespirah chain was also quite cool. "Wow, I'm fighting inside of a living creature" is a fantasy/sci-fi stock situation that we've seen employed in raid encounters like C'Thun and Yogg-Saron, but by no means in questing zones. It was neat interacting with this ancient god of the sea from inside of it.

Mathew: For me, quests in Vashj'ir only fell into two categories: fun and engaging or completely forgettable. I loved the epic quest lines and functions like the Battlemaiden story and fighting inside Nespirah like Alex already commented on, too as something having to buy wow gold  do with fighting a losing combat deep beneath the sea. Any time I came upon a mini-hub for quests I would get severely disappointed because I had to break my stride of doing a cool difficulty for the Earthen Ring to assist some goblins or Budd and his crew. The last leg of the journey, where you enter the submarine cove and begin the last assault on the rift was amazing, but punctuated in your starting with quests that needed too much travel throughout the ridge. Going back and forth 2 to 3 instances was not bad however it certainly did not assist the flow or pace of this section of the zone. However, getting back to the ship having a loony mindbender on my head and going insane on my allies was quite fun.

I think the major difference in quests between Vashj'ir and Hyjal were that we instinctively knew, for the most part, what was coming next in Hyjal because we could physically see the zone. The quests in Vashj'ir played off on the unknown, the simple fact that wow items  our visibility, each figuratively and literally, was much shorter beneath the waves. For the most part, that stuck and worked, and I'm grateful for those design decisions. I just desire that the zone had less "gotcha" quests if you were trying to work on one difficulty and were forced into helping other strangers when there is something more pressing at stake. Thank you! Have a good time in the game!


