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Heroics for Hunters in Cataclysm

 I've already gone over almost everything you need to understand about optimizing for heroics, but my email box is still flooded daily with heroic-related questions. the majority of these are things I've already covered, but an exceptional amount of them are not. How a lot wow items  DPS should you be doing? Why is your character auto-targeting and shooting arbitrary mob packs? When will Dawn Moore be made a tamable hunter pet?

Join me after the minimize as we dig by way of the most common hunter questions I'm seeing. We'll drill resource the point on things that all hunters should already know and lose some light on the more pressing conundrums from the class.

What is the top DPS pet?
I need to tell you, I sometimes feel as if half my waking several hours are spent answering this question. I wrote about it  buy wow gold  throughout the beta and I wrote about it after the beta, both here and in the Warcraft Hunters Union. And yet the query still arrives up, again and again, like some overeager druid nipping at your heels and providing you heals and will you please be their bestest friend? The answer has not changed, to either question.

The best DPS puppy is the cunning or ferocity puppy that wow gold  provides the top raid buff for your group. There is no one puppy that is best. There is no ranking or order from best to worst. It depends on your group composition -- not just what buffs others are wow gold  providing, but how everyone benefits by way of the feasible buffs. in situation you have a physical DPS-heavy group, physical buffs are better. Magic-heavy groups prefer magic buffs. Maybe your group utilizes no bleeds, maybe everyone has bleeds -- it all depends on the group composition.

If you're searching selfishly at only what helps you the most, then ... well, then I'd say the answer is still whatever helps the swtor credits group the most. After all, you're rewarded for your group's succeeding, not for being fifty DPS higher on the meters. But the strenth/agility buff offered by the cat and spirit beast helps hunter DPS the most.

I know I've said all this before, but I'm telling you, I get several emails a evening about it. It arrives up all the time over in the Hunting Party Podcast. I log in to the game and get tells from someone who made a degree 1 character on my server just to request me in game what the top DPS puppy is. I need I were exaggerating here, but I'm not.

I think maybe the issue is the reality that the answer isn't basic and definitive. We're so accustomed to having one puppy be the top for a lot of years and years. The answer has always been easy and definitive, and some hunters are having trouble wrapping their brains around the idea that the answer depends on the group.

This is my last go in the explanation. From now on when I get asked what the top DPS puppy is, my answer is simply steering to be: sporebat.

There are a large amount of factors that go into your DPS, and heroics are a horrible DPS benchmark, because your DPS will alter so a lot from run to run. Your DPS will vary depending not just on your skill and gear, but also on what heroic you're doing, whether you're WOW Gold counting bosses or trash, your group composition (what buffs you have), whether or not you had Ancient Hysteria, how fortunate or unlucky you were on the run, and also how fast your group wiped out the bosss. So even the DPS from the rest of your group impacts your DPS.

I have heard a large amount of hunters reporting what their heroic DPS is, and the variance is huge. We have hunters struggling to cross 5k, and other hunter gloriously reporting 25k DPS in their awesome, top-secret BM spec. This brings us to another distinction -- how you report your DPS also matters.

Are we talking concerning the average boss DPS over several heroics (the right way)? Are we talking about one awesome tank-and-spank boss fight with Ancient Hysteria and glorious RNG? all round DPS including the trash? Are you talking about one trash pull with fifty non-elite mobs?

I've seen a couple of hunters reporting 25k numbers in heroics with their ilvl 329 gear. They achieve this in one of two ways: either by counting some crazy, short AoE encounter, or by lying. I've executed 50k DPS on the trash before the last boss of Stonecore, after all, but that's a meaningless number. I don't think anyone just starting heroics is accomplishing more DPS compared to top raiders.

Here's what's steering on:
If you press an attack button when you have no one targeted, the game will automatically target the buy wow gold  nearest mob for you. It's helpful that way. If you're still in combat, your auto-shot will continue to fire at your new target. This arrives into play in dungeons when you're slamming buttons and the mob you're attacking dies, but you strike one of those buttons a fraction of a 2nd after it dies. Bam! You pull a nearby group and the tank cusses you out. Oh, and yes, it's still your fault when this happens.

There accustomed to be an interface option to turn away this behavior, but that option was removed with the patch. However, we are able to mitigate the dangers of this somewhat.

There is still an option that will automatically turn away your auto-shot when you switch targets. You can find this option by clicking on the game menu and choosing Interface > Combat. Then just confirm the checkbox labeled "Stop Auto Attack."

Now your auto-shot will not fire when you acquire a brand new target in this way. Alas, this is not really a total solution. When you press a button after your mob died, you'll still auto-target a brand new mob, and in situation you happened to mash that button twice in a row, that 2nd button press will fire away that shot (and turn your auto-shot back on).

So right up until they give us that interface option back, you'll still need to be cautious about button-mashing as mobs get low on health and get accustomed to manually stopping your attack. (I often swiftly press both mouse buttons to proceed the instant a mob dies if I'm button mashing in the time, to buy me a half 2nd to clear my target.) Thank you!


