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Cataclysm Guide: Shadow Priest to Heroic Nightmares

If you're not operating heroics yet, you might not know what I'm talking about. If you are operating heroics (through PUGs), you know exactly what I'm talking about. An awful great deal of tanks, healers, and DPSers think Cataclysm heroics are the same type of faceroll instances that Wrath heroics were. Nothing could be further from the case. And as extra and extra "casual" players reach level 85, a greater percentage of players are just so wow gold  terribly lost that they don't know what to do.

Wipes on the initial pull. Frustrating attempts on bosses with "teammates" who just don't listen. People who AoE when they should nuke. People who use AoE and ... no, no, wait! Don't attack that, it's CCed, and ... well, crud. Now we've got merchants throwing fruit at us now, don't we? Simply put, most people are just not prepared.

It's forgivable, obviously -- new, extra complicated instances suggest a new, gigantic learning curve. Even the most beneficial Wrath shadow priest can muck things up inside a Cataclysm heroic. But that doesn't need to be the case! The shadow priest spec is buy wow gold  an incredibly powerful one. Not only do we do reach churn out the DPS, but we have an incredible number of tools at our disposal to make up to the problems that PUG groups routinely face. From crowd manage (yes, tanks, we can CC) to mana regen, there's an awful great deal we can do to make heroics run smoother. Even if you're saddled having a group of four 12-year-olds from trying to make the run as complicated as possible.

Making things easier on the tank
The tank is, of course, the most important member of your group. If he dies, it's probably a wipe, so our first goal as shadow priests is to make things as easy as feasible to the tank and help him or her do the job. There's probably no limit of ways you can help a tank, but here are a few of the most important ones:
* Good communication is key. Not every tank is well-versed in the capabilities of shadow priests in general, and certainly not every tank is versed in the unique talents that you've chosen. If you're operating heroic Shadowfang Keep, offer to begin pulls having a cast of buy diablo 3 gold  Shackle Undead. If there are a number of complicated humanoid opponents and you're otherwise brief of crowd control, offer your service as a Mind Controller. And I strongly recommend all shadow priests operating heroics spec for Improved Psychic Scream (properly glyphed with Glyph of Psychic Scream) and Silence for their capability to interrupt. Silence works especially well for Baron Ashbury, for example -- his casts of Stay of Execution are perfectly timed with your Silence cooldown (once every 45 seconds).

* Ask the tank to mark targets. It's a simple act that most tanks know to do by instinct that tends to make pulls so a good deal easier. Without that helpful tiny skull and follow-up red "X," it's all guesswork. It's also wonderful to know what targets you shouldn't attack -- if you don't know, ask your tank what moon means, what triangle means, and so forth.

* Keep Fade on the cast bar. PUG tanks and PUG healers are notoriously unforgiving about DPSers who grab aggro. If you grab aggro inside a non-wipe situation, Fade as quickly as possible, as close to the tank as possible. Further, if you're CCing via Mind Control, you'll almost assuredly have aggro on the MCed mob when your hold on it ends. Be ready to strike the Fade button. And if Fade is still on cooldown, use Dispersion to buy your self 6 extra seconds of time.

* Don't be in such a damn hurry. wait around a few seconds to the tank to get hold of mobs before you decide to fast diablo 3 gold go attacking them. Shadow priests can generate a great deal of aggro inside a brief period of time, so it's best to play it safe. If it's a high-health mob (as opposed to one you'd nuke affordable ASAP -- extra on that later), open with an attack without up-front damage such as Vampiric Touch to give the tank even extra time to ramp up aggro.

Making things easier on the healer
If the tank is the most important member of the group, the healer definitely arrives in No. 2. right after all, without a healer, the tank will probably wind up getting killed. And when the tank and healer are dead, you're next. Your success in heroics entails knowing why heroics are so complicated for healers -- and what you can do to make it easier on them.

* Mana regen is brutal for healers right now. Some healers are skilled enough to realize how to conserve mana and intelligent enough to understand that keeping everyone topped off is normally an ill-affordable luxury. Many aren't, though, and like it or not, it's your job to buy wow gold  enhance their mana regen in which you can. The most important mana-regen tool you need to offer is Replenishment -- it's absolutely required that you cast Mind Blast on the Vampiric Touched mob after every 15 seconds to refresh it.

* Know your emergency cooldowns. All of them. Shadow priests are loathe to cast anything that drops them away from Shadowform, but survival is always extra important than DPS in Cataclysm heroics. If assisting the healer having a massive chunk of damage is your goal, then the 6-minute-cooldown Divine Hymn is your tool of option -- it could restore anywhere from 15,000 health (spread across five targets) to 50,000 health across just a few targets with some lucky crits. It's a channeled cast, though, so be sure you're inside a safe spot when you're casting it. It also has a range of effect (40 yards, to be exact), so be sure you stay close to the tank when you blow your cooldown. It's only 8 percent worth in total, but that can normally suggest the distinction between life and death inside a tight battle.

* Emergency heal if you can. Few boss battles in Cataclysm heroics are DPS races. If it's helpful to the group, you may be able to offer casts of Power Word: Shield, blasts of Prayer of Mending, and even Renew -- all on the cost of one global cooldown each. Know the limits of your abilities, though; your heals are exceptionally weak and unlikely to keep a tank up for long in your own. This is best saved for "assist" heals -- that is, times when the healer is tapped away from mana or simply unable to handle healing the damage. Thank you for your visiting!


